Just concluded a long day with a disastrous Realtor that was sporting basketball shorts and a t-shirt that at days end told us we were unrealistic in our house expectations. Driving back to our hotel (leaving next day) when we spotted yet another Open House. Decided to check one final time. Knocked, and Rich answered the door. What a breath of fresh air Rich was. Greeted us sporting an expensive suit and well-groomed. It’s crazy but we instantly fell in love with Rich and 30 minutes later fell in love with his showing. Informed Rich we were leaving in the morning but he said no problem, we can take care of all business via email. With Rich’s guidance, within 30 days we agreed to an offer price with sellers, entered escrow, performed an inspection, went through finance, and closed! Rich is very professional but yet handles business with a sense of humor and assurance that puts one at ease. I highly recommend Rich Crithfield.